We would like to invite you to take a few moments on this page to read about the movement to create a community that is committed to keeping the knowledge and accomplishments of our aging generation alive and thriving.
In our community we want those who are aging or living with Dementia to still be able to thrive and feel welcome. To continue to visit their favorite places and be active in their favorite hobbies. To continue to spread the wisdom of the years on to those who will listen. To have good care when there is need for it without feeling ashamed or embarrassed.
Being aware of the experiences People Living with Dementia have, and their caregivers, is one way to reduce the Stigma that comes with the name "Dementia" or "Alzheimer's". Not all experiences are "horrifying" or "burdening". There are "good times" and "closeness" that is experienced that may have never been experienced before. There are those who are living their lives with Dementia and making the best of it with their loved ones. It can be difficult to keep the good experiences coming, nevertheless, most things in life are difficult and take effort.
Dementia, in itself, has taught us that we need to not take communication for granted. That we need to give effort in our everyday lives to communicating better and more openly with one another. So let the community work together, through awareness and education, to lessen the negative experiences for People Living with Dementia and learn how we can give the communication and dignity that we all deserve!