Click here for DFI and to see a list of communities across our state.


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Click here for the DFA

What is a Dementia Friendly Community?

A community where we learn, support, create, become competent and welcome our life long members to still remain active in their favorite purposes in life even when a diagnosis impacts them to the core.

We will stand together to create a community that cares through action and purpose that includes persons living with dementia and care partners in the decisions that create real impactful changes in our state.

Dementia Aware

Where ever you might see this image, you might find others who are dementia aware or dementia friendly. You can find them on window fronts, websites or in materials. This is a universal image across the globe. Dementia is not just here, you will find people everywhere who are impacted. We may not have a cure, but we do have compassion to do what is right for those living with dementia. Join us in the dementia friendly movement.

Dementia Friendly Businesses

Businesses across the state are getting on board to take the training for their customers and clients. Look for this image on store fronts or inside your favorite place. CLICK HERE to see businesses in South Central Indiana that have taken this very important step.

If you are a business interested in becoming Dementia Friendly, CLICK HERE to contact us.